Network Quality Management

Distributed Antenna Systems
February 3, 2018
Managed Services
February 3, 2018

We recognize that network quality is a very essential Key Performance Index (KPI) for every Operator. It can help in the attainment and maintenance of a desired market position be it that of quality leadership or best-in-class customer experience or best-in-class value proposition where you aim to deliver an acceptable experience for the least possible cost.

CONNIG TECHNOSERVE Will collect network data which will allow an “apples to apples” comparison of network performance as perceived by subscribers. This helps drive competitive service levels, marketing messages and technology investments producing cost savings of millions of dollars.

This service will be independent of those responsible for designing or maintaining the network, ensuring that the results are truly objective and unbiased.

We use the same tool as the regulators. We are able to chart network performance against competitors and/or over time. Our specially trained RF engineers ensure that physical site parameters are accurate as defined in the RF planning tool with detailed audits reports allowing you to baseline your site RF parameters.


Our Network Quality management and benchmarking solutions include:

  • Network quality Benchmarking (GSM and UMTS, LTE)
  • Physical site optimization
  • Documentation and presentation of reports